5-person, scientific exploration platform
The five-person, 1000’ (300m) depth-rated Curasub offers state-of-the-art viewing and functional ability together in one platform. Three large viewing domes, one 40” dome forward and two 18” aft, make Curasub ideal for scientific research, commercial surveys and filming. A six-function hydraulic manipulator, scientific sampling arrays, Doppler Velocity Logger and HD camera/video system with adaptable lighting array are among the many options available.
- Operating depth: 1000 feet (300m)
- 1 pilot, 4 observers
- Dive duration: 6-8 hours
- Weight in air 6 tons
- Length: 13.6 ft. (4.1 m)
- Beam: 6.0 ft. (1.8 m)
- Height: 6.6 ft. (2.0 m)
- Payload: 1300 lbs (600 kg)
- Max Speed: 3-4 knots
Life Support
- Redundant O2 systems, total capacity 480 man-hours (5 occupants x 96 hrs ea)
- Carbon dioxide removed via scrubbers
- Emergency breathing gas via air BIBS
- 6 Thrusters total: Two horizontal, two vertical ducted and two translational ducted
- All thrusters 3 HP magnetically coupled
- Buoyancy provided by 2 soft tanks, providing 1200 lbs buoyant lift
- One 40 inch (100 cm) acrylic viewport forward
- Two 18 inch (46cm) viewing domes aft
- Four surface navigation ports
- Surface: ICOM VHF
- Sub-surface: UQC and 27 KHZ Acoustic
Power Source
- 12KW @240 VDC Main, 500Watts 12/24 VDC by converter
- 3 x Navigation cameras
- Ritchey Fluxgate compass
- 27 kHz Nuytcom DSP acoustic telephone
Emergency Equipment
- Drop weight jettison capability
- Emergency battery (for comms and CO2 scrubber)
Optional Equipment
- HD Camera: H.264 (Blu-Ray Codec) camera
- Nuytco Newtcam ® HDV video system
- 80-100GB Nnovia Hard Disk video recording unit
- SONAR: Imagenex 881A scanning sonar
- 4 Nuytco Newtsun ® 600W LED light heads (4 heads = 2.4 KW total)
- 6-Function hydraulic manipulator
- Multiple laser scaling lights
- Suction sampling pump with carousel
- DVL (Doppler Velocity Logger) recording depth, altitude, distance over ground, salinity, temperature and bearing