Nuytco Research Ltd. has provided crews, assets, training, and logistical support for scientific operations around the globe.

Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF), Palau
CRRF staff were trained on and used Deepworker 2000's for marine natural product collection and screening. Several new species were discovered.
Pavilion Lake Research Project
Nuytco Research provided subs, crew, and training to NASA and the Canadian Space Agency in an international and multidisciplinary research effort at Pavilion Lake. The multi-year project blended science and technology to advance knowledge of astrobiology and to study life in an extreme environment using a combination of underwater vehicles (including Nuytco’s DeepWorker submersibles) and scuba divers.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Research Cruise, British Columbia
Nuytco Research provided submersibles and crew to DFO over multiple seasons for fisheries research, including biomass surveys, impact assessments, and ground-truthing assessment models.
Greenpeace Bering Sea Expeditions, Alaska
Nuytco Research provided submersible assets, crews, and training to perform habitat research and impact assessments in the Bering Sea.
Educational outreach, Vancouver Aquarium
Nuytco Research provided demonstrations and exhibitions of submersibles and their operation to the general public.