Versatile exploration platform with panoramic viewing
The one-atmosphere Deep Rover is a 3300ft (1000m) depth-rated, one person submersible. Two 64” acrylic hemispheres offer panoramic viewing. Deep Rover’s incredible viewing dome, two five-function manipulators with 5’ reach, HD camera and lighting arrays make Deep Rover an extremely versatile platform.
- 3300 foot (900m) depth-rated
- 1 Pilot
- Two 160°, 5” thick acrylic hemispheres, joined by two aluminum rings to form a single sphere, 64 inches O.D.; 516 grade 70 steel with 316 stainless hatch rings
- Weight in air 3.6 tons
- Length: 8.2 ft. (2.5 m)
- Beam: 6.3 ft. (1.9 m)
- Height: 7.8 ft. (2.3 m)
- Payload: 250 lbs (114 kg)
- Max Speed: 2.25 knots
Life Support
- Redundant O2 systems, 80 man- hrs total
- Carbon dioxide removed via scrubbers
- Emergency breathing gas via air BIBS
- Two rear thrusters fixed, two forward thrusters rotatable; all can be independently activated
- 150 pounds buoyant lift from single soft tank
- Panoramic, via acrylic pressure hull
- Surface: ICOM VHF
- Sub-surface: UQC and 27 KHZ Acoustic
Power Source
- Two battery pods provide 120 v. each
- Emergency power provided in seat base
- Vehicle may be operated tethered or untethered
Emergency Equipment
- Drop weight jettison capability
- Hull jettison capability
- Battery pod jettison capability
- Emergency battery (for comms and CO2 scrubber)
- Two five function manipulators, with variable geometry and options
- Wrist mounted lights, video, and still cameras standard
Optional Equipment
- HD Camera, H.264 (Blu-Ray Codec) camera
- Tracking Beacon
- Direction finder/transmitter
- SONAR, modified Imagenex standard scan and ultra-high resolution short range scan
- Strobe/RF/Iriduim beacon
- Hydraulic cutters/tools
- Jetting/dredging pumps
- Sampling equipment
- Precision laser measuring system
- Pipe tracker
- U/W cutting module
- Acoustic thickness/CP/EMF Probe
- Real time video and sonar data in tethered mode
- Other optional equipment available